Two days state level workshop
Workshop on teaching English was conducted by Sri Adhichunchana giri Shikshana trust, on Jan 6th & 7th 2020 at BGS PU College Sringeri. The purpose of this workshop was to explore the importance of teaching English and to find solutions to the problems that teachers face in the classroom and to develop the potency of quality based question paper construction. The trust's mission is to enrich learning experiences of all learners and make knowledge accessible to all. The programme evoked with the traditional lamp lighting ceremony by A T Shivram, Admistrative officer, Sri Adhichunchanagiri educational trust, Dr. T N Raju member textbook committee, Sri Nagaraj Principal BGS B.Ed college, Sringeri. Sri A T Shivram shipped his keynote address by emphasising the exigency of quality development in English teachers to balance the IQ & EQ in students. A lesson with innovative ideas of teaching can be life changing. The first and second session was handled by T N Raju, he explained about the framing of blue print, objective weightage of question paper and qualitative analysis of answer script.
Session 3 and 4 was conducted by Sri Manjunath, English lecturer BGS PU college shivmoga, he provided wonderful insight about PU 2 text book by analysing each and every part. By the end of the day all lecturers were divided into nuclear parts and assigned to prepare a model question paper with blue print on the basis of Knowledge, comprehension, expression and appreciation.
Second day of the workshop was anchored by Sri Nagaraj , Principal BGS B.Ed. college Sringeri, elucidated the importance of proper lesson plans to achieve the learning goals. The second part of the workshop was conducted by Sri Narahari Hegade English lecturer Government Junior college Chikkamagaluru, he discussed about the scientific decoding of question paper. The day concluded by a valedictory programme, the programme aimed at encouraging and motivating the educators to bring in innovation in teaching learning process.