Sanatan Dharma
The word 'Sanatan' is referred as Eternal never ending And “Dharma" referred as Religion or way to liberation. In short, Sanatan Dharma means "Eternal Law" or "Eternal Dharma"
Sanatan Dharma represents a code of ethics for spiritual freedom i.e. any individual or group that accepts spiritual freedom can be considered as a part of eternal religion. It is a way through which an individual can attain moksha (liberation).
Sanatan Dharma can be defined in several ways; Satya Brahmacharya ,Aparighara ,Santosh Shaucha and Tapas The essential principles of Sanatan Dharma are as follows:
- The first and foremost principle is that God is One- Lord Krishna. Hinduism is the sole religion where the God can be described.
- The second principle leads to 'Truth'. Hindu religious pathway leads to eternal truth. In addition, it teaches religious tolerance.
- This brings us to the third principle which comprise of Spiritual Law, based on universal truth and reality.
- The forth principle reveals that individual's real identity lies in his Soul. The soul is infinite, indivisible and eternal.
- Last but not the least, the fifth principle teaches the principles of non-aggression, understanding and sympathy.
The real follower of Sanatan-Dharma (The Eternal Religion) follows the path of philosophy and Spirituality .Their qualities includes
- Tolerance
- Self-Belief
- Truthful
- Steady
- Self-respect
- Merciful
- Friendly
- Peaceful.
There is a common belief that 'Hinduism' or 'Vedic philosophy' is quite difficult to understand, and the explanation can even be tough. But, the truth is different. If you closely look at each and every aspect one-by-one, then you can easily understand its concept and philosophy. The word 'Hinduism' is originated from a Sanskrit term "Sanatan Dharma" which contains one’s own spiritual characteristics as well as spiritual realizations. In brief, it's the root of Vedic tradition for religion and culture based on Hinduism. It is also known as "Vaidika-Dharma"- The Religions of Vedas.
Hinduism- "A Religion of Freedom" allows every individuals or group of people, the freedom of thought, faith and worship. It never forces anyone to follow their own code/system of belief or form of worship. The best part is that Hinduism pays respect to all religions. Therefore, the religious hospitality of Hinduism is acknowledged & accepted across the globe.
Different Beliefs of Hinduism
Hinduism is the world's oldest religious conviction that carries mystery. The fundamentals of Hinduism follow five beliefs that summarize the Hindu spirituality. They are as follows:
- It believe in the divinity of the 4 Vedas-
- "The Rig Veda"- The Book of Mantra,
- "The Yajur Veda"- The Book of Ritual,
- "The Sama Veda"- The Book of Song and
- "The Atharva Veda"- The Book of Spell.It believes in the Cycle of Creation and Dissolution. The cycle of creation comprise of 4 Yugas (eras) - Satyayug, Tretayug, Dwaparyug and Kaliyug.
- It believes in the Law of Karma which states that every action performed creates a reaction and turns it to another counter action. This is a continuous chain which connects individuals and their deeds.
- It believes in Reincarnation "Transmigration of the Soul "- The continuous cycle of birth, death and rebirth. In other words, the soul travels on an eternal path in a body for a time, after death, enters the new body to live once again. Reincarnation is widely accepted in Hindu religion.
- It believes that all religions should be respected equally; there shouldn't be any discrimination among individuals and their religion.
In a nut shell, Sanatan Dharma isn’t based on false belief or wrong doing; it’s all about spiritual realization and truth.