Significance of ||Jai Sri Gurudev||
Greeting is an act of communication to show respect and express our feelings towards an individual or a group of individuals. Different forms of greetings have different effects because a subtle energy is exchanged every time we greet others.
We at BGS, greet each other with the phrase II Jai Sri Gurudev II. It signifies the well imbibed importance of Guru . The true meaning of Guru is 'one who dispels darkness of ignorance'. 'Gu' means 'darkness of ignorance' and 'Ru' means 'one who removes'. Guru is the divine guiding energy which helps humanity to realize its true nature.
The phrase II Jai Sri Gurudev II is the student's invocation of the true guru to lead him or her on the path of light and give guidance for sharing values and experiential knowledge as much as literal knowledge which will help in spiritual evolution for a better tomorrow.