Strategy for clearing NEET
A person who is best prepared can best serve his moment of inspiration
Samuel Taylor.
NEET - The National eligibility test is a Competitive exam conducted by NTA for medical aspirants , as per the latest news about NEET 2021 , the exams might scheduled in next 40-45 days.
So the task is all about managing the vast syllabus in the stipulated time. Here are few tips for the aspirants cadence.
Time management is the key thing for success , put aside time for daily activities , do not compromise with your sleep , 6-7 hours of sleep every day for the effective study hours during day is essential. Devoting around 14-18 hours a day with small breaks is an ideal study routine for .
Limit the presence of distractions like social media , games etc, use these only either as means for refreshment.
Practice full length mock test , this will acclimatize the body clock with the exam day timings and analysing the performance of each mock test will aid to work on weak area.
What can you do with the subjects?
BIOLOGY: This is the most high-scoring subject, You can easily handle 300–340+ by just having good board level knowledge. Start by solving previous year's papers. Revise daily. It is all about revision in biology. NCERT should be read line by line. NCERT knowledge should be extracted in the same way as a sugarcane crushing machine extracts every drop of sugarcane juice.
CHEMISTRY: Physical chemistry - this is all about formulas and concept. Learn all the formulas and half the work is done. Take help from your friends or there are many channels on YouTube.
Organic chemistry - Again organic is mostly conceptual. The recent trend has proven that NTA is mostly relying on NCERT. So again, NCERT is key. Understand and MUGG UP all the mechanism and important named reactions.
Inorganic chemistry - learn all the physical, chemical and different trends in MP and BP etc. of s,p,d,f blocks. Not neglect the small chapters like metallurgy and surface chemistry etc. It requires little efforts. The most important thing in inorganic is exception…there are hell lot of exceptions and most of the are imp. It is confusing but you can make it by regular revision.
PHYSICS: The most hard and confusing for most of the NEET aspirant. Physics decides the rank in NEET. As you have very less time focus on small and scoring chapters. Modern physics (including sub-particle physics and circuits and all) carry 10–12 questions and believe you can easily score 11 questions by just practicing 2–4 times. Other simple chapters like electricity and optics are scoring and required not so much practice and efforts.