Empty scrolling : The new Smoking ...?!!!?

Empty scrolling : The new Smoking ...?!!!?

If you have made up your mind to click on this article while you’re on your mobile , Congratulations ! You still have a little too much command over your mind which is the reason you decided to understand some reality in this illusionary colourful world . Now, as you have started reading this , please give me another opportunity to congratulate as you read this completely . Here I not only discuss about the dark side of social media but will also try and defend “why social media makes sense” and at the end I’ll hopefully help you in finding out an equilibrium state of using social media.

Social media , of course tops the list of greatest inventions of twenty first century . Rather , it was supposed to be , but just as the saying “with great power comes great responsibility” goes it’s surely the irresponsibility that’s brought us to a situation where social media has made us feel lonely in spite of being connected with people from nook and corner of the world . But wait ! Whoseirresponsibility is this ? Is it if the companies or users ? Let’s find it out .

Social media is addictive not by chance , its designed to be such . It’s now not a secret there are specialised people in these companies who are hired to programme their app such that it initiates a great dopamine rush in our brain . But in the attempt of doing so , our brain’s software has also been programmed in such a way that we are always stuck to the screen . But , let’s now dive deep and understand the science behind addiction as we can succeed in finding a precise solution only when we know the root cause .

  • Anticipation – a trap- The dopamine hit is not when we see a wonderful reel or we get a million likes , it’s actually when we imagine it ,anticipating the blissful outcome while we scroll or we post something . I was also shocked to find out that the same mechanism is used in casinos of Vegas which is known as the gambling capital of the world to keep the gamblers hooked to the game . Researches find that this magic of maybe releases as much dopamine as snorting cocaine.

                       I’m not here to make you scared with fear as there’s also brighter side of social media

                        coming up ..but using the word fear made me recall another reason for addiction

  • The fear of being left out : when you are into a with four of your friends and all four of them start discussing something that you have no idea about . It makes you feel insecure and you decide to get indulged in that just to become one more sheep in the flock . In fact , this is how most of the people get into alcohol or smoking . So , all you need is the courage to be different , courage to be right and accept it bravely among your friends which makes you stand out among all other aspects of life .By now , it is clear that all our social media handles are just fake identities that we have branded ourselves just motivated by illusionary world and it is not by itself a joyful act .

This social media addiction has cost us a lot . Our attention is their profit . So , these apps always try to grab our attention by sending us those distracting notifications . And every time we just scroll through out those apps quickly for 2 minutes mechanically , it reduces our attention span and ability to concentrate whose direct impact is on the student community who are the backbone of this industry .

The reason I say social media is illusionary is because social media shows just the attractive and catchy parts of our life and never shows us average times where majority of our life actually lies in . Contrasting to this there are also people who are so generous enough to spend their time and money to just see someone washing their utensils in daily vlogs , may lord help them out !

But wait, social media also helped many to communicate easily , it has helped many to showcase their talents and potentially build a career out of it .It also helped people in broadening their point of view and look at the global phenomenon with open eyes . It has cut down the travel expenses , opportunities have now met even to a remote village and provide an individual a great exposure in this competitive world . There have been podcasts that contain loads of information from field experts , there have been health and fitness creators who make our lives more healthier and happier , there are channels to seek our spiritual growth , and not to forget there also contents that entertains us and help us overcome mental pressure . It has helped people appreciate culture of different regions and share their tradition with pride . It’s now very easy to rise your voice against injustices just through a tweet ,and having enjoyed the benefits of all these I cannot deny the contribution of technology in enhancing my life.

But what I’m trying to advocate is that we should never let grow greater than ourselves because technology is a great servant but a bad master . We need to come out of the cocoons that we have created around ourselves and stop trying to be more relevant through memes and trends because you can never be . Recently , I tried to crack some joke when seven of our friends met by mentioning the trend “Thala for a reason” but most of them didn’t connect to it which made me feel awkward . But later I realised no matter how much ever you are into social media it makes you live in a limited world by feeding only what you repeatedly watch . Above one for an example will feel relevant only for cricket fans . By this I think I have been successful in conveying the above mentioned fact.

So the bottom-line of this article is , make sure you always use technology to your well being and “you” must always decide the trends of your life . Every time you pick up your mobile be conscious as to what is that you really need and be about what are you going to see .

And at last , congratulations as you have shown patience to better your life carry the same courage while you press back button from this page .



                                                                            YASHWANTH B S