Health is wealth, you never have a true idea of its value until you lose it.
AS per the novel report of WHO 60% of the individual’s health and quality of life is interwoven with life style . The present below par lifestyle encounter illness, disabilities and even deaths. Problems like, hypertension, overweight, violence diseases, joint and skeletal problems have become the companions, these life style health issues are not encircled to adults alone, they have started hitting kids also.
Flexibility in purchasing and over embracement of technology has bought a drastic shift in the functioning of human life, We the modern generation, have become preys to some extremely bizarre diseases, our ancestors had never even heard about back in their 60s & 70s.
Globally ,14.2 million people between the ages of 30-69, die prematurely from diseases like heart attack, diabetes and blood pressure these have emerged as more fatal than hereditary diseases/ infectious, according to the National family health survey, India ranks 2nd with 155 million obese citizens and this number is increasing at 33-51% every year, these are the offshoot of unskilled lifestyle.
As Buddha said ‘’ to keep the body in good health is duty. Otherwise, we shall not be able to keep the mind strong and clear’’.
Nature is now and then alarming human folk to have a balanced life style. Leading a healthy life style is not that difficult as it sounds, nor does it require lot of work, all you need to do is to be aware about your Mind and Body. the most important gadgets we are blessed with equally illiterates about its software and usage to deal with it, it’s as if we are operating a high-end laptop with axe.
Your physical body is just an accumulation of food , you just need to be aware of what to eat? How to eat and when to eat ?... because the food you eat is not only decides your physical health, but the very way you think , feel and experience life.
Constantly our body speaks to you but we are so busy in our material world we never paid attention towards its needs… we just keep on dumping all junk, you know if we eat certain foods the body becomes happy, but with certain foods, the body turns dull and lethargic. If we find this, half of the problem is solved. Just make a list of it that which food is making your body comfortable don’t blindly go with the demands of tongue.
In order to have a sound mental and emotional state one must surround themselves with positive energy. Yes not all problems can be addressed. Reactivity is enslavement responsibility is freedom, your outer world may not be 100% in your control, but your inner life always will . So just chill and relax ,be conscious about the stuff you are putting inside your head, because what you think you will become that. You are responsible for the way you are now. Hence if anything is expected to change is that you only.
So what to do…!
Get a good night sleep, well rested people not only cope better with stress , but may also have better control of their appetites , it has been accepted by researchers that lack of sleep can put our hunger hormones out of balance and possibly trigger over eating.
Create a morning ritual. Maybe you like to meditate or enjoy a healthy breakfast. Whatever it is that makes you feel supercharged, kickstart your day with that habit. Establishing a meaningful morning ritual helps you start your day on a positive, proactive note.
Enjoy quality time with family, the most important factor for ones life but the most neglected also ..take a chill pill from work have a talk , have a laugh , a hug with your family.
Read, Reading books is a great way to gain knowledge and stimulate creativity. Immersion reading also improves focus and has a calming effect similar to meditation.
Appreciate more. French novelist Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr once said, "we can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorns have roses." It's easy to get caught up in the rat race and forget how fortunate you are. Practicing gratitude is a great way to create positivity, reduce stress and improve your physical health.
No matter how much activity we need a day just do it , physical activity can help to defuse stress burn calories and boost self-esteem.
Do your best to look at life in a optimistic way, instead of worrying about what you can not control, shift your energy to what you can control.