24 Hours for you ! , ? + - = .  

    24 Hours for you ! , ? + - = .  

We the modern sparkplugs of our beloved Metropolitan city Swamped from the moment we wake up on our toes, squeezing the best out of us to keep going. It is legally perfect and incredibly easy to neglect ourself when we are engrossed in this.

We are thrilled with our overwhelmed work schedule, work takes up a lot of our day but it shouldn’t be the only thing we do, it’s important to pursue activities and interests beyond our job because it is conducive to a healthy life.

Stay tuned, organize your mind, clear out everything besides what you need, plan your day, because the most efficient way to live reasonable is, to make a plan of the day and every night to examine the results obtained.

Organise your 24hours to get the most and the best out of it

A Good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctors’ book

Have a good night sleep (10PM – 5AM)

7 hours of sleep plays a big part in having a healthy life, lack of sleep at night can make you feel cranky but, more than 9 hours sleep at night may do more harm than good.

Make each day a Master piece (5AM – 7AM)

Getting up early gives you a kickstart for the day ahead. you can start your day on an optimistic note, get much out of the morning grace by practicing meditation / yoga/ exercise etc. because quieting the brain is a time-honoured way to be more creative, more contemplative and more in touch with oneself. Calm down, slow down and focus your thinking and let the soothing mood aid you to think more creatively.

Don’t miss the Breakfast: The important meal of the day

HEALTHY BREAKFAST / Avoid oil intake

Reduce the oil intake, as the presence of chemical like Nickel, Sodium hydroxide cause diseases such as Cancer, diabetes and even it causes premature aging and much more.

The refining of oil   processes like bleaching, de waxing, de odoring , de gumming and de acidification ,  theses harmful steps results in increased oxidation and rancidity in the edible oil .

Fill your plate with fruits, vegetables quality portion and other whole foods like Nuts, fish, meat & egg etc.  Make sure  that your plate look colourful and versatile.

Breakfast boosts your metabolism, helps to burn calories throughout the day.It provides the body and brain with energy after an overnight fast.

Breakfast should be eaten within 2 hours of waking , it restores glucose levels as essential carbohydrate that is needed for the brain to function.

Boost the house hold mood by spending quality time with Spouse, kids and parents.

Earn Job Satisfaction by enhancing productivity (9AM-6PM).

Work is vital for maintaining our balanced life. Love your job and you will never have to work a day in your life , a Happy workplace is a boon.

Workplace ethics are required to build a successful career and rapport with in the team.

Follow these simple steps .

Abide to the institutional rules.

Cultivate effective communication skills.

Develop professionalism.

Take responsibilities / initiatives

Maintain punctuality

Have trust and mutual respect

Be proactive 

Develop the attitude of accepting feedback / complaint in a positive way

Keep the spirit of learning

The ultimate secret at work place is to keep yourself busy and love what you do .



After  a long day at work place one should pick such  an activity which makes you feel happy. Like ….

Listening to music

Watching a movie

Cooking dinner for / with family

Playing with kids

Exploring the place  where you live

Reading  a book.

Have a quality time for your soul (8PM- 10PM)

Cut down your TV Time stay away from MOBILE The emitted radiation frequency from mobile phones or base stations may affect the health and lead to future complications.

SUBSTITUTE your TV and Mobile time with some Hobby, as Dr. Robert S Roseburg, Sleep expert tells that a relaxing hobby at night induces good Sleep. It can slow your heart rate calm down the rate of breathing and decrease the frequency of our brain waves.

Relax yourself by …


yoga, exercise

reading some poetry

Walk your dog

Teach your self a language

Plan a dream vacation with family / friends.

Time is the one resource that we cant buy , but we often waste it or use it ineffetively,scheduling  helps you think about what you want to achieve in a day , week or month, and it keeps you on track to accompish your goals.